When the top portion of your website with logo and menu remains at the top of the page as you scroll down on the website. *Template dependent
A more extensive menu containing columns and images rather than traditional dropdown list of items. Create up to 24 links using keyword searches. Specs: member provided links or ASI will choose.
A slideshow of 3 banners at the top of your website displaying multiple images in one space. Provided by member or the ASI Creative Labs team. Specs: hi-res JPG or PNG file; no smaller than 1500 pixels wide and all the same height.
1 custom banner of promotional products created by the ASI Creative Labs team. Specs: member can select categories or ASI will choose.
4 photographic tiles showcasing your choice of categories linked to keyword search or any other location on the website. Specs: hi-res JPG or PNG file; no smaller than 500 pixels wide and all the same height.
Up to 8 graphic icons showcasing your choice of categories linked to keyword search or any other location on the website. Specs: vector-based EPS or PNG file.
A slideshow of up to 20 (non-linked) logo brands you use or companies who conduct work with you. Specs: JPG, PNG or PDF file.
Animated carousel on your home page showcasing up to 10 client testimonials provided by member. Specs: Word document for copy.
Copy and images provided by member. (Additional charge if member requires copywriting services.) Specs: Word document for copy. Hi-res JPG or PNG file for images; no smaller than 500 pixels wide.
Also referred to as a ‘portfolio’. It’s the place to showcase – and show potential clients – projects and work you’ve completed. Up to 20 images provided and cropped by member, of past work. Specs: hi-res JPG or PNG file; no smaller than 500 pixels wide. Heights can vary.
Headshots, short biographies and contact information for up to 10 staff members. Images and text provided by member. Specs: Word document for copy. Hi-res JPG or PNG file for images; no smaller than 500 pixels wide.
Custom page showcasing up to 15 client testimonials provided by member. Specs: Word document for copy.
Pulls content directly from your social media accounts onto your website. *3rd party application required. Code to be provided by member. May include fees.