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Discover quick definitions and screenshots of each premium feature below and where to find live examples you can view for the full experience.

What is Sticky Navigation?

When the top portion of your website with logo and menu remains at the top of the page as you scroll down on the website.
sticky nav
Live example can be viewed on all pages.

What is a Mega Menu?

A more extensive menu containing columns and images rather than a traditional dropdown list of items. Create up to 24 links using keyword searches.
Mega Menu
Live example can be viewed on all pages by hovering over "Product Mega Menu."

What are Rotating Banners?

A slideshow of 3 banners at the top of your website displaying multiple images in one space. Provided by member or the ASI® Creative Labs team.
Rotating Banners
Live example can be viewed on the homepage.

What is a Product Array Banner?

1 custom banner of promotional products created by the ASI Creative Labs team.
Product Array

What are Category Tiles?

4 photographic tiles showcasing your choice of categories linked to keyword search or any other location on the website.
Category Tiles
Live example can be viewed on the homepage.

What are Category Icons?

Up to 8 graphic icons showcasing your choice of categories linked to keyword search or any other location on the website.
Category Icons
Live example can be viewed on the homepage.

What is a Logo Carousel?

A slideshow of up to 20 (non-linked) logo brands you use or companies who conduct work with you.
Logo Carousel
Live example can be viewed on the homepage towards the bottom.

What is a Testimonial Slider?

Animated carousel on your home page showcasing up to 10 client testimonials provided by member.
Testimonial Slider
Live example can be viewed on the homepage towards the bottom.

What is a General Information page?

Copy and images provided by member. (Additional charge if member requires copywriting services.)
Live example of an About Us page can be seen here.
Live example of an FAQ page can be seen here.

What is a Photo Gallery page?

Also referred to as a ‘portfolio,’ it’s the place to showcase – and show potential clients – projects and work you’ve completed. Up to 20 images of past work provided and cropped by member.
Photo Gallery
Live example can be viewed here.

What is a Meet the Team page?

Headshots, short biographies and contact information for up to 10 staff members. Images and text provided by member.
Meet the team
Live example can be viewed here.

What is a Testimonial page?

Custom page showcasing up to 15 client testimonials provided by member.
Live example can be viewed here.

What does a Social Media Feed do?

Pulls content directly from your social media accounts onto your website.
Logo Carousel
Live example can be viewed on the homepage towards the bottom.